of Extension Education2024-10-25T01:33:20+00:00Dr. D Puthira Prathapeditorextension@gmail.comOpen Journal Systems<p><strong>The <em>Journal of Extension Education (JEE)</em> is a peer-reviewed open-access journal in the field of extension education published by the Extension Education Society (EES).</strong></p>The journal is published in both <em>print</em> and <em>online</em><em> </em>versions. [<strong>Print ISSN: 0971-3123; Online ISSN: 2456-1282</strong>]. The CODEN assigned to JEE is <strong><em>JEEOBM</em> .</strong><br /><p><strong><br /></strong></p> -Economic and Demographic Characteristics of Kadar Tribe of Anamalai Tiger Reserve2024-04-23T01:04:47+00:00P J Suvierasuvierapj@gmail.comM.<p><em>This article provides a descriptive glimpse into the socio-economic and characteristics of the Kadar </em><em>tribe who live in all six settlements within the Pollachi division of Anamalai Tiger Reserve in Tamil Nadu viz., </em><em>Kavarkkal, Nedungundru, Ethakuli, Erumparai, Theppakadu, and Udumanparai. The study reveals that the </em><em>tribals have varying age distributions, gender and marital status. Primary education is the most common, </em><em>with a significant portion engaged in agriculture. Low-income households rely on traditional livelihoods, and </em><em>occupational diversity is limited. Access to government funds is limited, and housing consists of traditional '</em><em>kutcha' mud-houses.</em></p>2024-10-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 the Editor's Desk2024-10-25T00:58:38+00:00Prathap D<p><em>From the Editor's Desk - 35</em>(2); Common Service Centres in India</p>2024-10-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Analysis of Expenditure Pattern of Farm Families in Prayagraj District of Uttar Pradesh2024-05-25T10:36:53+00:00Pushpa<p><em>The study was conducted in the Chaka and Kundhiyama blocks situated in Prayagraj district of Uttar </em><em>Pradesh, India. Altogether, 200 farmers were randomly selected from four villages of the selected blocks. The </em><em>results of the study revealed that the average monthly family expenditure increased as the land size increased, </em><em>except in the case of medium-sized farm-holders, as the average family size was larger than that of small-sized </em><em>farm holders. The percentage of expenditure was found to be more on food; it was found that the percentage </em><em>of the amount spent on food decreased as the income increased. The percentage of expenditure on food items </em><em>decreased with the increase in holding size.</em></p>2024-10-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 of Knowledge Level on Kiwi Cultivation Practices in Phek District of Nagaland2024-08-30T04:25:40+00:00Sesote ü Merosesoteumero@gmail.comDeepa<p><em>The paper examines the knowledge level of kiwi growers and its determinants in Nagaland. The study </em><em>was conducted among kiwi growers in Phek district of Nagaland during 2023-24 and the sample </em><em>size was 120. A knowledge test index was adapted with suitable modification. More than half of the </em><em>respondents were above 50 years of age, majority were illiterate, had marginal size of land under </em><em>kiwi, had ‘medium’ farming experience and had an average annual income of Rs. 139391.67. The </em><em>findings of the study concluded that majority of the respondents had ‘fair or moderate’ level of </em><em>knowledge on kiwi cultivation and the determinants of knowledge </em><em>level on kiwi cultivation were education, extension contact, training exposure & farming </em><em>experience.</em></p>2024-10-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 Marketing Practices followed by Farmers in Dibrugarh District of Assam2024-04-22T02:16:55+00:00Sushmita Deorisushmitadeori2@gmail.comRajalakshmi<p style="font-weight: 400;"><em>Agriculture is crucial to India’s rural economy, with vegetable cultivation being a key component. This </em><em>study focuses on 150 rural farmers in Assam’s Dibrugarh District, exploring their socioeconomic characteristics, </em><em>marketing practices, factors influencing these practices and the barriers they experience. The rapid sale of </em><em>vegetables, driven by their perishable nature, emerged as the most influential factor in farmers’ marketing </em><em>practices. It was found that farmers face various barriers like perishability of vegetables, limited access to </em><em>ICT tools and low level of knowledge. Findings revealed a significant association between socioeconomic </em><em>characteristics and marketing practices.</em></p>2024-10-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 of Women through Microfinance in Chikmagalur District of Karnataka2023-12-28T01:11:09+00:00Shobha Sshobhamerlin8@sdmcujire.inSumathi<p><em>The present study was carried out to analyse the indicators of women empowerment and </em><br /><em>evaluate the effectiveness of microfinance on women empowerment. Empowerment indicators were </em><em>identified and analysed based on the responses of 60 SHG (Self-Help Group) women in Mudigere Taluk </em><em>of Chikmagalur District of Karnataka state. The findings pointed the impact of microfinance on women </em><em>empowerment based on women empowerment indicators using five-point Likert scale. It was concluded </em><em>that women’s participation in microfinance empowers them in family, social and economic security in </em><em>terms of decision making, mobility, </em><em>ownership of assets and independent savings.</em></p>2024-10-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023 faced by Women Entrepreneurs in Coimbatore District of Tamil Nadu2024-01-08T09:31:28+00:00R Jansi Ranijansi3393@gmail.comP.<p><em>Women entrepreneurs frequently face challenges and problems while starting and developing their </em><em>businesses. The objective of the study was to examine the problems and challenges women face in Coimbatore </em><em>District of Tamil Nadu. For the sample of the study, the researcher identified fifty-five women who were </em><em>involved in various enterprises. The main obstacles were found to be lack of work- life balance and lack of </em><em>financial support.</em></p>2024-10-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2023