Tribal farmers' perceived constraints in the usage of modern multimedia communication technology gadgets


  • P Mooventhan ICAR- National Institute of Biotic Stress Management
  • K.S Kadian ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute
  • C Karpagam ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research Regional Centre


An experimental study was conducted to explore the constraints involved in learning process through developed Interactive Educational Multimedia Module (IEMM) on Good Dairy Farming Practices (GDFPs) of tribal dairy farmers of Chhattisgarh state. In this study, IEMM module was developed with 25 digital video documentaries about GDFPs which include breeding, feeding and healthcare, management and advances in dairy farming. This IEMM module was exposed to the respondents to create awareness about dairy technologies in turn to accelerate the adoption rate for GDFPs. Out of 27 districts in Chhattisgarh, three districts namely Surajpur, Surguja and Balrampur were selected for the study based on the predominance of dairy tribal respondents population. From each district, four villages were selected and from each village 25 dairy tribal respondents were selected thus 300 respondents were selected for exploring the constraints involved in e-learning process through IEMM. The study revealed that majority (87.00%) of the IEMM learners expressed the lack of familiarity towards modern information technology gadgets is the major constraints and its ranks first in the cognitive constraints followed by 84.33 percent feels lack of skills to use advanced ICT gadgets. With respect to economical constraints, majority (87.00%) of the IEMM learners hinted out that lack of subsides or free scheme to purchase advanced communication tools and services such as computer and internet is the major  constraints followed by 72.00 percent feels high cost for establishment, 67.66 percent sensed lack of free training to learn modern ICT gadgets.

Author Biographies

P Mooventhan, ICAR- National Institute of Biotic Stress Management

Scientist, ICAR- National Institute of Biotic Stress Management, Baronda, Raipur, Chhattisgarh - 493225

K.S Kadian, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute

Principal Scientist, ICAR-National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal

C Karpagam, ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research Regional Centre

Senior Scientist, ICAR-Central Institute for Cotton Research Regional Centre, Coimbatore - 3


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How to Cite

Mooventhan, P., Kadian, K., & Karpagam, C. (2016). Tribal farmers’ perceived constraints in the usage of modern multimedia communication technology gadgets. Journal of Extension Education, 27(4). Retrieved from