Farmer Producer Companies of Kerala: Group Dynamics Assessment of Shareholders




The study focuses on the group dynamics of shareholders in the selected FPCs (Farmer Producer Companies) of Idukki district, Kerala. A sample of 120 respondents among 13 FPCs was identiï¬ed using proportionate random sampling. Results of the study indicate that majority of the shareholders in the selected FPCs exhibited a low to medium group dynamics and shareholders of four FPCs exhibited a high level of group dynamics. But the variation of GDI (Group Dynamics Index) among companies also point that some ï¬rms have better intra-group understanding and exhibit higher degree of group cohesiveness and team work along with a favourable attitude towards the management which caters to a smooth decision making procedure. Principal component analysis of the selected indicators revealed that decision making procedure and team work has a signiï¬cant effect on variance of the GDI.

Author Biography

Akhil Ajith, Kerala Agricultural University

Department of Agricultural Extension, Kerala Agricultural University, Thrissur, Kerala - 680 656


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How to Cite

Ajith, A. (2022). Farmer Producer Companies of Kerala: Group Dynamics Assessment of Shareholders. Journal of Extension Education, 33(2), 6662–6670.